About Our Organization
Mission Statement
The Sioux City Conservatory of Music
The Harmony Project is an ongoing project designed to serve our community with music inspiration! This project is free for those who participate where we host 10 different music sessions every week for one hour! Those music sessions focus on genre… jazz, folk, rock, vocal– choir, open mic, digital music -podcasting, blues, ukulele, and accoustic guitar playing –strum! Our goal with his project is to reach out to our community and provide yet even more inspiration by sending those enrolled to then perform for areas in need. The sessions are every week and hosted by a teacher for all ages, all abilities, and anyone who has the willingness to study music together. Thebeauty of this setting is the project works in harmony, sharing the gift of music. It is generational where grandparents can play with children, children can play with college students all together to celebrate music and its essence! You should join us!